Herbal remedy for the normalization of the breast functions and menstrual cycle
Normative documentsComposition
Each capsule contains:
- herb extract of chaste tree roots (Vitex agnus castus) — 112,5 mg;
- powder of chaste tree seeds (Vitex agnus castus) – 112,5 mg;
excipients: corn starch, silicon dioxide (E551), gelatin.
10 capsules in blisters, 30 capsules (10×3) in a carton.
Biologically active substances of monk’s pepper have high affinity for D2-endorphin receptors and selective affinity for estrogen receptors. By binding to the receptors of a physiological inhibitor of prolactin – dopamine, monk’s pepper inhibits the release of prolactin from a culture of prolactotrophic pituitary cells, which leads to the reverse development of pathological processes caused by hyperprolactinemia.
Recommended to the diet as a source of biologically active plant substances that helps to contributing to the normalization of menstrual cycle, normalization of the functions of the mammary gland of women with mastodinia and mastoiditis, facilitate manifestations of premenstrual syndrome (psycho-emotional instability, tension headache).
Adults 1 capsule 1-2 times a day after meal.
Terms of use: up to 4 weeks; longer or repeated treatment is possible when confirmed by physician.
Don’t use if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to any component of the product, if you have acute gastrointestinal diseases, peptic ulcer, pregnancy and in childhood.
Biohealth International GmbH, Heinrich-Wirth-Str. 13 95213 Münchberg, Germany, tel. + 49-9251-87087-20.
The owner of the product license in the producer country: Roja Pharmazie GmbH, Siemensstrasse 40-41, D-12247, Berlin, Germany, tel. + 49-30-373-089-29, e-mail: info@roja-pharmazie.de.