Herbal remedy to normalize the functioning of the prostate gland and prevent the development of prostatitis

Normative documents


Each capsule contains:

  • aniseed powder (Pimpinella anisum) 100,0 mg;
  • pumpkin seeds dry extract (Cucurbita moschata) – 80,0 mg;
  • pumpkin seeds powder (Cucurbita реро) — 70,0 mg;
  • nettle leaves dry extract (Urtica diorica) – 70,0 mg;
  • chamomile flower dry extract (Matricaria recutita) — 60,0 mg;
  • tribulus terrestris fruits dry extract (Tribulus terrestris) – 50,0 mg;

excipients: silicon dioxide (E551), gelatin.



10 capsules in blisters, 30 capsules (10×3) in a carton



PROSTAGOL is a natural high-quality prostate protector based on medicinal plant materials. The action of PROSTAGOL is due to the properties of biologically active substances of medicinal plants, which are included in its composition.
The mechanism of action of biologically active substances is associated with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, blocking the enzyme 5α-reductase and aromatase, improving the function of the detrusor, antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic effects, the effect on growth factor (antiproliferative action), reducing the level of globulins that bind sex hormones.
Biologically active substances of nettle leaves (Urtica dioica) have antiseptic and analgesic properties; contribute to inhibition of prostate enlargement; prevent inflammation and facilitate urination; increase urination, maximum flow of urine and reduce its residual volume in benign prostatic hyperplasia.
Pumpkin seeds (Cucurbita pepo) contain glutamic acid, which catalyzes protein biosynthesis and inhibits the proliferation of prostate tissue. Biologically active substances in the composition of pumpkin seeds suppress diuretic symptoms in case of prostate adenoma, reduce pain in prostate, and contribute to an increase in potency.
Tribulus terrestris contain steroid saponins, which contribute to the normalization of sex hormone levels without disturbing the body’s hormonal balance; activate the local blood circulation in the genitals; tonify and stimulate the functions of the reproductive system, as well as restore and strengthen the libido; increase the duration and strength of erection; stimulate spermatogenesis; increase sperm count and motility.
Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) has antispasmodic and anti-inflammatory effects; has a diuretic, analgesic and antimicrobial effect.
Biologically active substances in the composition of anise ordinary (Pimpinella anisum) have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, diuretic properties; normalize urodynamics; have a slight hypotensive effect.



Сan be recommended by physician to the diet as a source of biologically active plant substances that helps to improve sexual function in men and alleviate symptoms associated with prostatitis (impaired urination).



Аdults 1 capsule 2 times a day after meal, with glass of water.

Using terms: up to 4 weeks; longer or repeated treatment is possible when confirmed by physician.



Individual sensitivity to components.



Biohealth International GmbH, Heinrich-Wirth-Str. 13 95213 Münchberg, Germany, tel. + 49-9251-87087-20.

The owner of the product license in the producer country: Roja Pharmazie GmbH, Siemensstrasse 40-41, D-12247, Berlin, Germany, tel. + 49-30-373-089-29, e-mail:
